Mikrokosmos i Caught in the Act
izvode se kao jedna predstava.
Mikrokosmos je plesni trio u kojem Helen
Saundres, Haglt Rosenzweig i Tina Tarpgaard ostvaruju zadivljuću
povezanost i sklad. Priča je to o mikrokosmosu žena unutar
mikrokozmosa kazališne scene.
Caught in the Act je duet. Duhovita i poetična priča o dva muškarca
zahvaćena u umjetničkim činom na pozornici. Plešu koreografi Tim
Rushton i Vidar Hansen.
and 'Caught in the Act' are presented as one performance.
'Microcosmos' is a dancing trio in which Karin Nedergaard, Haglt
Rosenzweig and Tina Tarpgaard achieve amazing correlation and harmony.
It is a story about the microcosm of women caught in the microcosm of
the stage.
in the Act' is a duet, a funny and poetic story of two men caught in an
artistic act on the stage. Performed by the choreographers Tim Rushton
and Vidar Hansen. |