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HNK SPLIT  2002 2003
A. Tonković Dolenčić / K. Prohaska / V. Broz
himna ljubavi

A. Tonković Dolenčić, K. Prohaska, V. Broz
Director: Krešimir Dolenčić

A. Tonković Dolenčić, K. Prohaska, V. Broz
Redatelj: Krešimir Dolenčić

Hymn of Love is the title, and at the same time the life motto shared by all the female characters who in this performance will undergo a transformation through Ksenija Prohaska’s autobiographic perspective.  The show brings us fragments from the cinematographic and music lives of Edith Piaf, Marilyn Monroe, Billie Holiday and Liza Minelli, and will include famous music numbers from the film and jazz scene, as well as songs especially composed for Ksenija Prohaska by American and Croatian authors. The textual fragments are inspired by Federico Fellini’s film Nights of Cabiria in which Giulietta Massina portrays a meager prostitute, Cabiria, who dreams of “retiring from the business.”  Acting as counterpoint to Nights of Cabiria , the films Tango by  Carlos Saura and Gypsies fly to Heaven by Emil Lotjanu,  question the boundaries of individual freedom.   The lives of these women, film and music stars, are visited by dreams about the perfect love that will erase all the pain and disappointment bringing peace and tranquility…

Himna ljubavi je naslov, a ujedno i životno geslo svih ženskih likova koji će se u predstavi transformirati kroz autobiografsku vizuru Ksenije Prohaske. Predstava donosi fragmente iz filmskog i glazbenog života Edith Piaf, Marylin Monroe, Billy Holiday i Lize Minelli, a glazbeno će je pratiti poznati brojevi iz filmova i s jazz scene, te pjesme američkih i domaćih autora za Kseniju Prohasku.

Dramski fragmenti inspirirani su filmom Cabirijine noći Federica Fellinija u kojemu Giulietta Massina igra malu prostitutku Cabiriu koja sanja da sepovuče iz posla”. Svojevrstan kontrapunkt Cabirijinim noćima filmovi su Tango Carlosa Saure i Cigani lete u nebo Emila Lotjanua, u kojima se propituju granice ljudske slobode. Kroz živote tih žena, zvijezda glazbe i filma,  neprestano se provlači san o savršenoj ljubavi koja će izbrisati sve boli i razočaranja, i donijeti smiraj i blaženstvo...