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HNK SPLIT  2002 2003
Felix Mitterer
tödliche sünden

Felix Mitterer
Director: Ivan Plazibat

Felix Mitterer
Redatelj: Ivan Plazibat

Contemporary Austrian dramatist Felix Mitterer (born in Austria in 1948), in his cycle of seven one act plays focuses on the various types of alienation exposed through the web of family relationships thematically connected by the motif of the seven deadly sins.  While treating the subject of the seven deadly sins,  Mitterer distances himself from the expected catechism morality and other strongly established systems of metaphysical responsibility, treating sin as a “non solidarity behavior towards fellowmen and society.” 
This modern morality play finds its theatrical code in the trashcans of pop culture, where the space that belonged to religion is replaced by illusions made up by the entertainment industry’s most trivial modes.  By placing his one act plays into the ironic context of TV talk shows Mitterer crudely deprives us, together with his characters, of the possibility for emotional catharsis and at the end cynically concludes: “family – the basic cell of the state has become the factory of spiritual illness.”
With the direction of this text as his graduation project, a young Split student from the Academy of Dramatic Arts, Ivan Plazibat will make his debut.

Suvremeni austrijski dramatičar Felix Mitterer (1948), problematizira varijacije otuđenja u mreži obiteljskih odnosa kroz tematsku poveznicu sedam smrtnih grijeha. Mitterer se odvaja od očekivane moralnosti katekizma i čvrsto ustrojenih sistema metafizičke odgovornosti, promatrajući
grijeh kao "nesolidarno ponašanje spram sučovjeka i društva". Ovaj moderni moralitet svoj kazališni kod pronalazi na smetištima pop kulture, gdje prostor religije zamjenjuju iluzije industrije zabave u svojim najbanalnijim oblicima. Dajući svojim jednočinkama ironizirajući okvir TV talk-showa,
Mitterer nam bešćutno uskraćuje mogućnost emotivne katarze sa svojim likovima te na kraju cinično zaključuje": obitelj - temeljna stanica države postala je tvornica duševne bolesti".

Postavljanjem  ovog teksta kao svog diplomskog rada iz režije debitira splitski student ADU  Ivan Plazibat.