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HNK SPLIT  2002 2003
Arijana Čulina
splitska kvatrologija

Arijana Čulina

Arijana Čulina

The four scenes that make up the bitter comedy, “Split’s Quatrology,” are linked by the common themes of waiting, hoping, planning, giving up, acceptance of status quo and in the end, hopelesness.  The characters in these pieces emanate a discontent of which they themselves are not always aware of.  Hanging around, drinking, men talk about politics while women exchange recipes with the same passion.  In the same chair, at the same café bar, year after year they make big plans for their future, the same way as politicians always spin the one and same story.  The lack of will, initiative, courage, is a trademark shared by all the characters in this piece, united under the motto we so frequently hear: “the best is to do nothing”, which in the end can only make us laugh.
Arijana Čulina is an actress at CNT Split, a columnist for several national magazines, author of the character Goga Bjondina (Goga Blondie) for the TV show “Glamour Caffe,” and tops the bestseller list with her book What every woman should know about those things.

Četiri slike  ove gorke  komedije povezuje zajednička tema čekanja, nadanja, planova, odustajanja, mirenja s postojećim i na kraju - beznađa. Iz likova isijava nezadovoljstvo kojega ni sami nisu svjesni. Sjedeći i pijuckajući muškarci  pričaju o politici, dok žene  istim žarom izmjenjuju recepte . Na istoj stolici, u istom kafiću, oni godinama kroje velike planove za budućnost, jednako kao što i političari iz godine u godinu vrte jednu te istu priču. Pomanjkanje volje, inicijative, hrabrosti, osobina je svih likova ovog komada ujedinjenih pod geslom kojeg tako često čujemo: “najbolje ništa”!?
Arijana Čulina glumica je splitskog HNK, kolumnistica nekoliko nacionalnih tjednika, autorica lika Goge Bjondine u TV emisiji “Glamur”, te najprodavanijeg književnog hita
Šta svaka žena triba znat o onim stvarima.