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HNK SPLIT  2002 2003
Steve Reich
tri priče

Steve Reich
Conductor: Hari Zlodre
Director: Ivan Leo Lemo

Steve Reich
Dirigent: Hari Zlodre
Redatelj: Ivan Leo Lemo

The CNT Split Opera Ensemble received an invitation to open, on the 6th of April 2003, the International Festival of Contemporary Music – Zagreb Music Biennale with the production of a recently composed triptych “Three Stories” by American composer Steve Reich.

The Zagreb Biennale has been opened by:  Berlin Opera, London Symphonic, Prague Philharmonic, Berio, Stravinski, Penderecky, Cage, Kelemen and many other respected ensembles and artists.  It’s a great honor to be in such company.  Reich, a respected American musician, was born in 1936, and belongs today to the circle of leading masters of modern music.  The Washington Post has written about his work that it’s “absolutely amazing…so original in its inspiration and form that it questions all earlier assumptions about the goal of art…”
Reich through his path as a composer has embraced, not only the aspects of western classical music, but also the structure, harmonies and rhythms of eastern tradition, and jazz in particular.
The titles of Reich’s stories are:  “Hindenburg,” “Bikini”, “Sheep Dolly”, and in them the author deals with the problems faced by the twentieth century: cataclysmic progress, the cynicism of technology which in the end is “biting its own tail.”
In almost seventy “minimalist minutes” we are told, in a humorous way, the whole history of a slow and “studied” destruction.

Ansambl Opere HNK Split dobio je poziv da 6. travnja 2003. godine otvori Muzički biennale Zagreb, međunarodni festival suvremene glazbe, izvedbom nedavno skladanog triptiha "Tri priče" američkog skladatelja Stevea Reicha. Biennale u Zagrebu do sada su otvarali: Berlinska opera, Londonski simfoničari, Praška filharmonija, Berio, Stravinski, Pendrecky, Cage, Kelemen i mnogi drugi ugledni ansambli i umjetnici. Velika je čast naći se u tom društvu.

Reicha, jednog od vodećih majstora suvremene glazbe, kritika opisuje ''naprosto očaravajućim''. Možda i zbog toga što je na tako inventivan način u svom skladateljskom radu prigrlio ne samo aspekte zapadne klasične glazbe, nego i strukture, harmonije i ritmove istočne tradicije, a posebno jazza.

Reichovu glazbenu superiornost sjajno nadopunjuje intelektualna angažiranost njegovih skladbi, jer on se ne izbjegava baviti problemima dvadesetog stoljeća: kataklizmičkim napretkom, cinizmom tehnologije koja samu sebe "hvata za rep"... 

'Tri priče'' -  "Hindenburg" , "Bikini" i "Ovca Dolly" sedamdesetak su "minimalističkih minuta" koje na humorističan način pričaju povijest polaganog i "prostudiranog" uništenja.