man has two erotic biographies. Mostly he speaks of the first one
consisting of the list of relationships and lovers meetings. The other
biography is, no doubt, more interesting than the first one: the
procession of women we wanted to have but they escaped from us, it is a
painful history of never realized possibilities. However, there is the
third, clandestine and disturbing category of women. Women we couldn't or
we didn't know how to have a
relationship with. We liked them, they liked us but… This
''but'', just like the whole paragraph from The book of Laughter and Forgetting
by Kundera, has intrigued Elvis Bošnjak so much that he made a
whole new play out of it. It is not the play dedicated to "great
tragic lovers", it is the play about "beauty and pain that love
brings us every day, beauty and pain our soul is made of". |
toliko krijemo ljubav, zašto smijemo
voljeti samo po pravu potpisa dok nam druge ljubavi vrište gušene
u grudima. Kad bismo barem mogli govoriti o njima. Reci mi prijatelju
kakva je ta žena koju si volio a nisi smio? Reci mi draga zašto ti je
taj muškarac tako isprevrnuo dušu?
Je li danas na cesti pored tebe prošla žena koju si mogao
voljeti, osvrni se i proživi život s njom sadržan u jednom pogledu... I
ne govorim o velikim, tragičnim ljubavnicima, zbog njih je proliveno
dosta suza, govorim o ljepoti i boli koju nam ljubav donosi svaki dan, od
njih nam je sazdana cijela duša."
Tako govori i piše Elvis Bošnjak u svojoj najnovijoj drami koja
tematizira pitanje granica: onih stvarnih i onih koje sami sebi
postavljamo. A takvih je najviše u ljubavi. |