biografije / biographies  hnk split

plesač, koreograf / dancer, choreographer


alexander tressor
baletni pedagog

Alexander (Saša) Tressor rođen je i odrastao u Moskvi. Djetinjstvo je proveo putujući s Moskovskim cirkusom zajedno sa svojom majkom. Kad mu je bilo šest godina prvi je put nastupio na ruskoj televiziji nakon čega je postao zvijezda brojnih filmova, televizijskih emisija i kazališnih predstava. Godine 1976. s obitelji je emigrirao u New York. Sa sedamnaest godina baletu ga je počeo podučavati David Howard da bi ubrzo nastavio školovanje u Balanchineovoj Školi američkog baleta (School of American Ballet) kod svog oca Andreja Kramarevskog, bivšeg prvaka Boljšoj baleta, te potom Stanley Williamsa i Richarda Rappa. Plesao je na godišnjim radionicama Škole američkog baleta s New York City Balletom na Festivalu Čajkovskog 1981. Također je bio član trupe Državnog kazališta Malmö u Švedskoj te Connecticut Ballet Theater.

Nakon prelaska na pozornice Broadwaya, Alexander je nastavio obrazovanje u jazz baletu s Chuck Kellyjem, Michael Owensom i Tony Stevensom. Među njegove najznačajnije predstave na Broadwayu i na međunarodnim i američkim turnejama svakako spadaju Teddy and Alice ( Teddy i Alice), gdje je igrao ulogu mladog Franklina Roosevelta, On Your Toes (Na prste), gdje je plesao zajedno s Natalijom Markarovom i Valentinom Kozlovom, Zorba s Anthony Quinnom, Woman of the Year (Žena godine), gdje se pojavljuje uz Barbaru Eden, Ain't Broadway Grand (Nije li Broadway sjajan), Sophisticated Ladies (Profinjene dame) i Hello Dolly.

Nakon što je koreografirao brojne industrijske prezentacije i komercijalne reklame, Tressor 1996. počinje raditi na novim plesnim projektima sa svojim prijateljem i producentom Nolenom Baileyem. Dvije godine kasnije, 1998. oni osnivaju plesnu trupu Tressorgroup. Trupa predstavlja priliku brojnim nadarenim plesačima, pjevačima i glazbenicima da sudjeluju u novim Tressorovim djelima. Trupa je zabilježila kritičke pohvale na stranicama New York Timesa, Village Voicea, Novoe Russkoe Slova i Vecherniy New York.

Posljednje Tressorove koreografije su San ljetne noći za Princeton Shakespeare Festival, predstava koja je popraćena euforičnim kritikama u tisku New Yorka i New Jerseya, zatim Peer Gynt i Happy End u suradnji s redateljem Alexom Lippardom i An Absolutely Happy Village (Potpuno sretno selo) s Rusko - američkim kazalištem.

Alexander Tressor je podučavao balet, jazz i koreografiju u Sjedinjenim Državama, Europi i Rusiji, a u Hrvatskoj je surađivao u SMG u Ljubljani, u HNK Zagreb i sada u HNK Split.



Alexander (Sasha) was born and raised in Moscow, Russia, He spent his early years travelling with his mother in the Moscow Circus. At age six, he appeared on Russian television and went on to star in numerous television, film and theatrical productions. In 1976, the family immigrated to New York City, At the age of seventeen, he started studying ballet with David Howard and later at Balanchine's School of American Ballet with his father, Andrei Kramarevsky, former principa! dancer with the Bolshoi Ballet. He continued his studies with Stanley Willianms and Richard Rapp at SAB and, while on tour with "Sophisticated Ladies" in Moscow, with Assaf Messerer at the Bolshoi Theater. Mr. Tressor danced in SAB's anuual workshops with the New York City Ballel in the Tchaikovsky Festival in 1981. He has also danced with the Malmo State Theater in Sweden, the Connecticut Ballet Theater and other companies.

After making a leap to the Broadway stage, Alexander continued his dance edtucation in jazz with Chuck Kelly, Michael Owens and Tony Stevens. Alex's theater credits on Broadway and in national and international tours include: "Teddy and Alice", where he played young Franklin Roosevelt, "On Vour Toes" , dancing with Natalia Markarova and Valentina Kozlova, "Zorba" with Anthony Quinn, "Woman of the Year" appearing opposit Barbara Eden, "Ain't Broadway Grand", "Sophisticated Ladies" and "Hello Dolly".

After choreographing numerous industrial shows and commercials, Mr. Tressor began working on new dance projects with his friend and producer, Nolen Bailey in 1996, which culminated in the formation of tressorgroup in 1998. The company exists to create an outlet for talented dancers, singars and musicians to participate in newly created works by Mr. Tressor. The company has received critical acclaim from The New York Times, The Village Voice, Novoe Russkoe Slovo, and Vecherniy New York.

Mr. Tressor's most recent choreographic efforts include "Midsummer Night's Dream" for Ihe Princeton Shakespeare Festival which received rave reviews from the New York and New Jersey press, "Peer Gynt" and "Happy End" in collaboration with director Alex Lippard and "An Absolutely Happy Village" wlth the Russisn-American Theater.

Mr. Tressor has also taught ballet, jazz and choreography in the United States, Europe and Russia. He is currently a faculty member of Steps Studios on Broadway in Manhattan, New York City and Ballet Master at the National Opera Theater in Slovenia and Croatia.