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Dobro došli na Splitsko ljeto ! Splitsko ljeto utemeljeno je 1954. godine. Ove godine slavi svoj 43. rođendan, a Split 1700. Kao i prethodnih godina i ove će Splitsko ljeto ponuditi bogat program opernih, dramskih, baletnih i koncertnih izvedbi u ambijentalnim prostorima stare jezgre Splita i njegove okolice. U realizaciji 43. Splitskog ljeta sudjeluju ansambli i umjetnici iz Hrvatske i inozemstva što Festivalu koji ima status nacionalnog ljetnog festivala daje ugled međunarodne kulturne manifestacije. |
Welcome to the Split Summer Festival
! The Split Summer Festival was first held in 1954. making this the 43 nd celebration. As always, the Split Summer Festival offers a rich program of opera, drama, ballet, and concert with the Old Town as a backdrop for most of the performance. Artist from the Croatia and other countries participate in this cultural event making it a true international festival. It has already been designated as a National Summer Festival. Once again welcome to Split and its Summer Festival! |
Nadopunjeno/Last update: 04/10/01