The plot of this “small drama
from the train tracks”, takes place today at a train station in
some X town, somewhere in Croatia.
The track at this little station resembles a photo album of
live pictures, of briefly connected destinies, chance encounters
during which nothing happens. These
are the pictures of some wasted, unimportant people, who are waiting
for their better tomorrow with the arrival of every new train.
Their longings, unfulfilled hopes, dreams…disappear in the
smoke of trains that never stop at this station…
Jurkić, an actor at CNT Split, is an author with an exceptional
sensibility for detail, personalities, atmosphere.
He has won the “Marin Držić” Award for his text The Merciful Samaritan and the “Marul” Award for his text Abel
and Cain. This performance will be directed by Goran Golovko, a
director from Split’s younger generation.
Radnja ove “male drame s
perona”, odigrava se na nekoj željezničkoj postaji, danas, u
mjestu X, negdje u Hrvatskoj. Peron je te male postaje
poput foto-albuma živih sličica o trenutno spojenim sudbinama, slučajnim
susretima u kojima se ne dogodi ništa. Sličice su to nekih potrošenih,
nevažnih ljudi koji sa svakim novim vlakom iščekuju - bolje
sutra. Njihove čežnje,
neispunjene nade, snovi… gube se u dimu vlakova koji na toj
postaji nikada ne staju…
Tripimir Jurkić, glumac HNK u Splitu, autor je iznimnog osjećaja
za detalj, lica, atmosferu. .Dobitnik je nagarade “Marin Držić”
za tekst Milosrdni Samaritanac, te nagrade “Marul” za tekst Abel
i Kajin.